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5 websites with free listening material

5 sites with listening material for English language learners that also include scripts and exercises. All these sites are free and don't require any type of sign up. This is useful material that students can work on alone to develop their listening skills. I find listening and reading the script at the same time is really useful. There is content here for all different levels and the great thing is students can work alone and hopefully become more independent learners. Each site 

1) is Free with no sign up
2) Offers listening material in English
3) provides the complete script of the audio
4) has interactive exercises to check basic understanding

These are great sites to recommend to your students. They can work alone, listen, read the script and do the exericises and get feedback.

If you are looking for more free content for learning English, you might like to look at the following videos

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More free content for learning English

If you are looking for more free content to show your students or use in class, then you might find the following useful.

3 websites for learning English with songs

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